Program List

The number of (the)data : 5
  • Horror
  • Horror

The Words They Speak


This is a story about a girl who believes in the power of words and wishes for the happiness of others. After she moves into a women-only apartment building, which her friend suggested, she gets caught up in a bizarre phenomenon: the words they speak become your reality inside the apartment.
What is the secret of the apartment?
Will the day ever come when these women will be freed from this horrifying curse...?
This is "A Beautiful Forbidden Horror Drama" that brings you a never-seen-before kind of terror!

  • Suspense
  • Mystery
  • Suspense
  • Mystery

The Dangerous Venus


Based on a masterpiece Keigo Higashino mystery novel, Hakuro Teshima is a bachelor veterinarian with a strong sense of justice and incapable of telling a lie. One day a mysterious woman, Kaede Yagami, appears at his door, claiming to be his younger brother’s wife and informing him of her husband’s sudden disappearance. The two then go in search of the missing brother and husband, but get embroiled in a wealthy family inheritance battle of some 3 billion yen. Expect the unexpected and a jaw-dropping finish as the curtain rises on an epic mystery swirling in human desire.

히가시노 게이고의 걸작 미스터리 소설을 드라마화.
정의감 강하고 거짓말을 모르는 독신 수의사 데지마 하쿠로는 어느 날 갑자기「동생의 처」라 자칭하는 수수께끼의 미녀 야가미 카에데로부터 동생이 실종되었다는 소식을 듣게 된다.
하쿠로는 카에데와 함께 실종된 동생의 행방을 찾아 나선다.
그리고, 30억엔의 유산이 얽힌 어느 명가의 분쟁에 휘말려 간다.
예상도 할 수 없었던 놀라운 결말! 인간의 욕망이 소용돌이치는 장대한 미스터리가 막을 연다!


  • Suspense
  • Romance

  • Suspense
  • Romance

Juliet In The Rain


Woman with a dark past struggling to find a bright future.
Man with success falling down to the darkness. 
Love suspense story with affection, incrimination, and insanity.

Heroine Hikari's brother had been arrested for murder that made her give up any happiness. Making a living as a cocktail waitress and supporting her hermit mother, her love to singing and dancing remains her one saving grace. One day, she happened to meet her childhood friend Kazuya who's about to inherit a prestigious restaurant. Living in a totally different world, she snubbed him by saying "I'm no longer who I used to be." Meanwhile, her prisoned brother was set free and claims he's innocent. Although being unable to believe what he said, she's eager to find the truth. There might be a hope to escape from the dark days. Kazuya empathizes with Hikari's 15 years of pain and tries to help her out. Woman in the darkness finds ray of light, man with success steps down to the darkness.
Forbidden love suspense begins in the rain...

  • Comedy
  • Family
  • Comedy
  • Family



Kanna Suzuki is a powerhouse woman with single-minded devotion once she puts her mind to something. Working for a fashion designer, her dream is to someday design clothes that will make women everywhere amazingly attractive.” But her world begins to spin out of control when she discovers that her “loving” hunk of a husband, Rei, is having an affair! Meanwhile, her unreasonable boss dumps loads of work, her husband is a mama’s boy and her mother-in-law drops in unannounced to dote on her son and grandson, and all while Kanna is trying to raise a needy 4-year-old son, Reon. Pushed to a breaking point and battling the world alone, Kanna, however, isn’t one to run, bend or break. Instead, she girds herself for battle, stokes her inner fire and confronts adversity head on, chasing her dream in pursuit of happiness and fulfillment for herself and her son.

파워풀하면서 호쾌하고 한번 마음먹으면 열정을 다하는 여자, 스즈키 칸나. 패션회사 디자이너인 그녀는「언젠가 자신이 디자인한 옷으로 세상의 여성들을 멋지게 만들어 보이겠다」는 꿈이 있다.
잘생긴 남편 레이와 외아들 레온과 함께 매일 즐겁게 살아가지만 어느날 사랑한다고 믿었던 남편의 불륜이 발각된다!!
불합리한 회사상사가 떠넘기는 대량의 일, 마마보이 아들을 과보호하는 시어머니, 울보에 어리광인 네살아들의 육아… 이밖에도 여러문제들이 외톨이가 된 칸나에게 덮쳐온다!
이윽고 이 모든것에서 벗어나고 싶은 순간도 있지만, 그러나! 칸나는 도망가지 않는다! 타협하지 않는다! 좌절하지 않는다! 사랑하는 아들을 위해 그리고 자신의 꿈을 위해 역경을 딛고 행복하게 살아가는 칸나의 뜨거운 분투기!!

栞納不由得有時候心會變得有些消沉…可是、她不逃避、不放棄、不灰心! 為了最愛的兒子、更為了自己的夢想~這是戰勝逆境並快樂生活的栞納的勇敢拼搏記!!

  • Family
  • History
  • Human
  • Art
  • Education
  • Family
  • History
  • Human
  • Art
  • Education

Memory of the World Message from Sakubei Yamamoto ~ A miner-painter’s link to the future

世界記憶遺産 山本作兵衛からのメッセージ ~炭鉱絵師がつなぐ未来~

At the age of seven, Sakubei Yamamoto entered a coal mine with his parents; this was the beginning of his 50 year career at the Chikuho mines in Fukuoka prefecture. The mines were pitch black and humid, and the threat of collapse or flooding was never far from the miner’s minds.
After retiring, Sakubei found work as a night guard. From the age of 66, he first began documenting his life and times working at the coal mines in essays and paintings. He left behind a legacy of over a thousand paintings, as well as 70 notebooks and diaries. Of this collection, 697 pieces were chosen for inscription on the ‘Memory of the World’ register. This program examines the life of Sakubei, and the incredibly detailed documents he left behind of the Chikuhocoal mines. What sort of figure was he, and what message does he convey to us through his artwork? Sakubei’s life and art is revealed through the stories told by those connected to him.
It got Certificate of Creative Excellence award at US International Film & Video Festival in 2014

そしてほとんどを輸入に頼っていますが、日本の電気エネルギーの四分の一は石炭による火力発電が担っています。 国民一人あたりにすると、1年間に1トン以上の石炭を今も使っているのです。
